Make pain a distant memory. Advil is the #1 selling pain reliever,providing safe, effective pain relief for over 30 years.
So whether you have a headache, muscle aches, backaches, menstrual pain, minor arthritis and other joint pain, or aches and pains from the common cold, nothing’s stronger or longer lasting. The medicine is #1 doctor recommended for pain relief.
Advil is a brand of ibuprofen and is taken for pain relief. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug which is often referred to as an NSAID. Ibuprofen is considered a very effective over-the-counter pain reliever that has relatively few side effects.
However, users should still be aware of some serious possible side effects. Taken orally, It works by blocking and reducing the production of the hormones that are responsible for inflammation and pain.
This means the perception of mild pain is reduced. Advil can also be used for fevers and cramping, making it generally a good choice for children’s medicines too. In liquid form, it can be used by children over six months old.
As with any medicine, it is safest to make sure you are fully informed before taking it. We’ve compiled below a few of the most typical frequently asked questions about Advil.
What Pain Does It Treat?
Most people find Advil works very well on mild to moderate pain such as headaches, back pain, menstrual cramps, toothache, arthritis or a sports-type injury. This is because these conditions all cause your body to produce prostaglandins, the hormone that tells your brain you are experiencing pain. Advil temporarily reduces the production of these prostaglandins, which in turn reduces the pain signals you experience.
Can I Take It When I Have a Cold?
There is no cure for the common cold – even antibiotics are powerless against them. You can take Advil when you have a cold, but it is not a decongestant. Advil will help reduce any fever you may be suffering and ease your aches and pains to make you feel more comfortable, but it won’t unblock your nose.
Does It Help Against Arthritis?
Taking an NSAID like Advil when you have arthritis is perfectly safe and considered an effective short-term pain reliever. Advil helps arthritis sufferers in two ways: by dulling the pain and also by reducing the swelling. Some people living with arthritis prefer to rub ibuprofen cream directly on painful joints.
The massaging motion can reduce symptoms, but the medicine works in the same way as a tablet – by traveling through the bloodstream to the brain and reducing the production of prostaglandins.
How Many Pills Do I Take for a Headache?
No matter what your ache or pain, the dosage for Advil is the same. Adults and those over 12 years old should take one 200mg tablet or gel-cap every four to six hours while they’re feeling pain. If you feel you need more after one hour, you should take a second tablet or gel-cap. You can take up to six single doses per 24-hour period when you take it off-prescription. However, your doctor may prescribe more.
When Will It Start Working After I Take It?
As a general rule, if you take it orally, it should start to enter your bloodstream after 20 minutes. After one hour, the medicine is certainly in your bloodstream, and if you need to increase your dose by one tablet, this is when you would do so.
Can I Take When Pregnant?
Nursing mothers and pregnant women should always consult their doctor or midwife before taking medications. Furthermore, pregnant women should avoid taking Advil in their last trimester of pregnancy, as medical testing has never been performed on this group.
What Are the Common Side Effects?
Advil is a very safe medicine to take, but you shouldn’t take it long-term or in high doses, as it could raise your chances of having a stroke or heart attack or an episode of internal bleeding. Older users are more likely to experience stomach or intestinal bleeding, and these side effects can come on without warning and in some cases be fatal.
Can I Take in the Days Before a Surgery?
Advil is generally safe to take before surgery, but you should always consult your doctor as soon as you know you will be going in. However, Advil should never be taken right before or right after heart surgeries such as heart bypass surgery (coronary artery bypass graft, or CABG).
Can Children Take Advil?
Yes, they can, but children under 12 years of age should always take the children-specific Advil. Each bottle comes with a dosage syringe to tell you how much the child may take depending on their age and weight. Children should never be given Advil tablets unless prescribed by a doctor.